Wiring Worries: 4 Reasons to Get a Home Electrical Inspection

Wiring Worries: 4 Reasons to Get a Home Electrical Inspection

Of all of the systems in your home that need your attention, the electrical wiring is perhaps one of the most important. Not only is this a valuable tool that provides power to your home, but it can be dangerous if it is not in good working order. Whether you are buying a new home or just maintaining your existing home, the electrical system can use regular inspections to ensure that everything is in proper working order.

Safety First

An inspection of the electrical system in your home, when done by a professional, is a safe way to find out how your home is functioning. Many people assume that they can look at wiring and tell when it’s bad or notice minor issues, but there is no guarantee. Electrical work is also very dangerous. With the high risk of electric shock and other potential risks, such as house fires related to wiring issues, it is always best to have a professional inspection done on your home’s electrical system.


According to Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), electrical fires in the home account for approximately 500 deaths each year and over $1.3 billion in property damage. Furthermore, electrical systems are third on the list of residential fire causes. Having your electrical system inspected by a professional can give you peace of mind that you won’t become one of these statistics. In most instances, people who experience a house fire due to faulty wiring or other electrical issues weren’t even aware that there was an issue in the first place. In addition to being a common cause, the electrical system is also an easy fix to prevent fires from happening in the first place.

Home Insurance

Your home insurance company may not tell you this, but they are going to work really hard to try to get out of paying a claim. If you have a house fire due to electrical issues and there is any way at all it could have been your fault or been prevented, they may cover less or not provide coverage at all.

Electric Bills

If your home’s electrical system isn’t in its best working order, it could be costing you a small fortune. You might not realize it, but slow increases in your electric bills could mean there’s something wrong. Regular inspections can prevent this, and if you notice that your bills are high or think there might be an issue, an inspection can resolve things quickly. Although you always want your home to be in good working order, the electrical system isn’t something that you can always see. A home is an investment. Having a new home inspection and regular electrical system inspections is just part of protecting that investment. Keep these things in mind, and keep your family safe by making sure your electrical system is functioning properly.   Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her three-year-old husky, Snowball.

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